What is the meaning of the word "labour of love"?
A task or work done for interest or pleasure rather than for monetary gain or professional reasons.
- Composing music is a labour of love for him; he pours his heart and soul into every piece, even though he doesn't earn much from it.

Productive work performed voluntarilly without material reward or compensation.
- The community garden was a labour of love for the volunteers who spent their weekends planting and tending to the crops.

Refers to a task, project, or activity that a person undertakes out of passion, dedication, or deep personal satisfaction, rather than for a financial gain or external rewards.
- The artists poured their heart and soul into their latest masterpiece, making it a true labour of love that reflected years of passion and creativity.

Something done because the individual enjoys it, believes in its value, or feels a strong commitment to the work, despite the effort or time it may require.
- The filmmaker's documentary project was a true labour of love, as she dedicated years to capturing the untold stories of marginalized communities.
